Church Life

Coffee mornings and some social events are now taking place.

The halls are now available for hire.  Please email [email protected]. Hire charges are listed under ‘Hire Charges’ in the main menu

Do you enjoy fish and chips and meeting friendly people? At 12.30pm we have a fish and chips lunch on the third Wednesday of each month (except every third month when it is a choice of home-made soup). The cost is £7 which includes a choice of puddings. It is followed by a gentle activity like, dominoes, Yahzee, whist, beetle or Uno. It is all very friendly and instructions are given.

Dates for the Wednesday lunches are 19th October and 16th November.

You need to book the fish and chips early on the Tuesday (Denise on 01284 762 459) It only costs £7 and includes a choice of puddings. The activity starts at around 2pm. and costs £2. You can come to either or both.

It all takes place in our church hall in Whiting Street, next to the United Reformed Church.

Wednesday Coffee Mornings

These take place every Wednesday between 10am and 11.15. Coffee and biscuits cost £1.

Saturday Coffee and Cake Mornings

These take place on the first Saturday of each month. Coffee and a cake costs £2. All are welcome. There is often something like a bookstall at the same time.



Services at Whiting Street URC have resumed on Sundays at 10.45am. Face masks are no longer required but people sit at a safe distance. Everyone who wishes to experience our services, for whatever reason, is welcome.

Coffee is served in our hall after the service and everyone is welcome.  We meet at 10.45am each Sunday for about an hour. We are without a minister for the  foreseeable future but Sunday services are led by a wonderful variety of visiting preachers or our own lay preachers. Communion is normally on the third Sunday of the month.

The Sunday service at 10.45am on  16th October will be led by  Revd Robert Pope. and will include holy communion.

The Sunday service at 10.45am on 23rd October will be led by Gwynneth Tilley, one of our own experienced lay preachers.

The Sunday service at 10.45am on  30th October will be led by our worship group.

The Sunday service at 10.45am on 6th November will be led by Revd David Cornick.

The Sunday service at 10.45am on 13th November will be led by one of our own experienced lay preachers.