
Saturday 6th December 2025

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Every Wednesday during the month 10.30 a.m – 12 noon

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Saturday 1st November 2025

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Every Wednesday during the month 10.30 a.m – 12 noon

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Saturday 4th October 2025

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Every Wednesday during the month 10.30 a.m – 12 noon

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Saturday 6th September 2025

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Every Wednesday during the month 10.30 a.m – 12 noon

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Saturday 2nd August 2025

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Every Wednesday during the month 10.30 a.m – 12 noon

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Saturday 5th July 2025

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Every Wednesday during the month 10.30 a.m – 12 noon

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Saturday 7th June 2025

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Every Wednesday during the month 10.30 a.m – 12 noon

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Saturday 3rd May 2025

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Every Wednesday during the month 10.30 a.m – 12 noon

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Saturday 5th April 2025

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Every Wednesday during the month 10.30 a.m – 12 noon

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Every Wednesday during the month 10.30 a.m – 12 noon

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Saturday 1st March 2025

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.



We hold an open door coffee morning every Wednesday from 10.30am to 12noon.

Come and find us in the church hall for a hot drink and a friendly chat!

Enter through the open door in the corner of the open area at the front of the church. Follow the sound of chatter. You will receive a friendly but not overpowering welcome.

Coffee and biscuits cost £1.50


Saturday 7th December 2024

Come and join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00a.m. – 12.00p.m.


Saturday 23rd November 2024

Film Show with refreshments, 2.30 p.m.

This month’s film is about the Olympic Games in 1924 and the runners who took part in it. One runner in particular is the focus. He had a dilemma: his event takes place on a Sunday and this clashes with his religious beliefs. Should he take part? We see how the situation develops.

Come and join us in the warmth. The cost is £3 and this includes refreshments. You may wish to discuss the film over a cup of tea or coffee but there will be no formal discussion.



Sunday 20th October 2024. 2.00 p.m

You are invited to come into the warm to listen to, perhaps join in, a delightful mix of  music by this local group of musicians.

Cost: adults £5, children free, including refreshments in the interval. There will be a raffle, tickets £1.



Saturday 5th October 2024

Join us in the Church Hall for coffee, tea and cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Saturday 28th September 2024

Film Show with refreshments. 2.30p.m.

We will be showing a film about events which took place before the First World War. A young working mother is drawn into a situation where she has to choose between being a good mother or joining a group of women working for votes for women. The results are heart-breaking but inspirational.

Come and join us for a relaxing afternoon with refreshments. £3 per person/family.


Saturday 17th August 2024

Picture Quiz.  3.00 p.m.

Join us for a light-hearted picture quiz. Tea and coffee provided.

Takes place in the Church Hall.


Saturday 27th July 2024

Film Show with refreshments. 2.30 p.m.

We will be showing a film in which a veteran civil servant, played by Bill Nighy, learns that he has only a few months to live. He realises that he has not been living life to the full and takes his leave of the stifling bureaucracy attempting to rebuild the City after World War II. He yearns to find some fulfilment before it is too late.

Come and join us for a relaxing afternoon, with refreshments. £3 per person/family


Saturday 25th May 2024

Film Show with refreshments. 2.30p.m.

Martin Sheen plays a doctor who embarks on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, leaving his old life behind him. He soon meets up with others from around the world, all looking for greater meaning in their lives.

Come and join us for a relaxing afternoon. £3 per person/family.



Saturday 4th May 2024

Coffee, Tea and Cake. 10.00a.m. – 12.00p.m.

Saturday 23rd March 2024

Film Show with refreshments. 2.30 p.m.

Film to be announced. See noticeboard in Church Hall for details.


Saturday 2nd March 2024

Coffee, Tea  and Cake. 10.00a.m.-12.00p.m.

There will be a bring and buy sale. Everything £1. Bring something you can spare and sell it for a £1. Then buy something else for just £1.


Saturday 27th January 2024

Film Show. 2.30 p.m.

A powerful film about our impact on nature.

The film maker takes us through his life with nature around the world, talks about human impact on nature and gives a powerful message of hope for future generations if we take sensible actions.

Playing time 80 minutes + refreshments +discussion time.

£3 to cover costs for those who can afford it.

You are welcome to come into somewhere warm for the afternoon.


Sunday 14th January 2024

Concert by Elm Street Music. Concert begins at 2.00 p.m.

Elm Tree Music are local people who are passionate about giving informal and refreshingly different concerts.

The programme will include classical, traditional and light music played on a variety of instruments.

Pay at the door. Tickets are £10, cash only, and include refreshments. There will also be a raffle.


November 18th 2023

By popular demand. Return concert by Angels Delight, harp and flute duo.

The concert begins at 1.30 p.m.

The duo will play traditional music from British and light classics as well as tunes from films and musicals.

Tickets will be £10

We are unable to take cards so cash only please. Tickets may be bought on the door and will include refreshments.



Saturday 21st October

We welcome back by popular demand the Wesley Ukulele Band

Concert begins at 2.30 p.m.

Tickets £10 on the door to include refreshments but we can not accept cards so please bring cash.



Monday 16th October 2.00 p.m.

Service to celebrate the life of Lawford Smith.



Saturday October 7th

Coffee and Cake. 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.



Saturday 2nd September 2023

Coffee and Cake. 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.

 We will have a book stall alongside our ‘coffee and cake’ morning. Please bring any unwanted paperback books (not large hardback books, please.) Books can be brought before the day and given to Martin or Gwynneth Tilley.


Saturday 5th August 2023

Coffee and Cake. 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.


Saturday July 15th

Concert by Thetford Singers. Watch this space for further details.


Saturday July 1st 2023

Coffee and Cake. 10.00 a.m. -12.00 p.m.


Sunday June 11th 2023

Concert by Elm Street Music. Concert begins at 2.30 p.m.

“An Afternoon of Summer Romance”

Featuring varied musical instruments including: guitar, piano, euphonium, accordion, percussion and choir.

Including music by Schubert, Rachmaninov, John Dowland and Robert de Visee.

Tickets will be £10 on the door which will include refreshments.

Please bring CASH to pay for tickets and to buy Raffle Tickets.

All proceeds go to Church funds.


Saturday June 3rd 2023

Coffee and Cake. 10.00 a.m.- 12.00 p.m.


Saturday May 13th 2023

Concert by The Wesley Ukulele Group from Elmswell.

Concert begins at 2.30 p.m.

Tickets £10 on the door to include refreshments but we can not accept cards so please bring cash.

There will also be a raffle.


Saturday May 6th 2023

Coronation Day

No Coffee and Cakes Day


Saturday April 8th 2023

Hot Cross Burns and Gift Day. 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.


Saturday April 1st 2023

Coffee and Cake and Bring and Buy. 10.00 a.m. – 12.00 p.m.


Saturday March 11th 2023

Angels Delight

Concert by Angels Delight, Flute and Harp Duo (Adriene and Anne) at Whiting Street URC.

Starts at 2.30 p.m. Tickets on the door £10 to include refreshments in the interval. There will be a raffle. Cash or BACS – no cards. All proceeds to Church funds.



Sunday March 5th 2023

Following the Service on Sunday March 5th 2023, Traidcraft Biscuits will be served and donations gratefully accepted. All welcome.



Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Monday 16th January – Friday 20th January 2023

As part of Churches Together, different Churches in Bury St. Edmunds will be hosting prayer meetings this week. Whiting Street URC will be host on Friday 20th January 12.30pm – 1.30pm. 

Bring your own lunch, drinks will be provided.



Elm Tree Music. By popular demand, return visit

Elm Tree Music are giving a concert on Sunday 5th February 2023 at 2 p.m. at  Whiting Street U.R.C. Bury St. Edmunds IP33 1NR.

Bach and Schubert in Italy.

Tickets will be £10 on the door which will include refreshments.

Please bring CASH to pay for tickets and to buy Raffle Tickets.

All proceeds go to Church funds.




The next fish and chips is at 12.30pm on Wednesday 15th March 2023. Booking is essential, the signing sheet is in the Church or on 01284 762 459. The cost is £7.50 and includes a pudding. It will be followed by an activity (the rules for which will be explained and is played in a very friendly way.) It costs £2.

Wednesday Coffee Mornings

These take place every Wednesday between 10am and 11.15am though conversation usually means that the timing is variable. Coffee or tea and biscuits cost £1.50

Saturday Coffee and Cake Mornings

These take place on the first Saturday of each month. Coffee and a cake costs £2.50 All are welcome. There is often something like a bookstall at the same time.
